
The wisdom of Dumbledore.

Happy Wednesday! Wednesdays can sometimes feel a little sluggish with that midweek slump. So, I’m going to share some sort of inspiration here each week on Wednesday mornings.  This may be a quote, or a song, or a verse.  I’m doing this as much for me as for anyone else who might want to read it. I’m looking forward to a little pick me up to start out the day each Wednesday.

For this week, one of my all time favorite quotes and one that I use quite often with my kids.  Maybe some of you recognized this one right away. “It’s our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” Professor Dumbledore (J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets).

So many times I have to remind my kiddos (and myself) that our chocies are what determine who and what we are and not just our abilities.  When my son is struggling with Latin, its not his Latin language ability that I’m really hoping to see as much as his choice to keep working diligently and to be resilient.  Or when my daughter is struggling in soccer, it is her choice to keep trying, to keep playing, and to encourage her teammates that ultimately shows who she really is, not how many goals she scores. It is my choice to be patient in a tense moment, to give a soft answer, to put others above myself that shows who I am, not my ability to cook, clean, and homeschool.  Thanks Professor Dumbledore for the reminder that we control our choices and that they will ultimately show who we truly are far more than our abilities.