
Fairy Tales.

There is something simply delightful and sweet in a fairy tale. Few things more quaint and lovely than curling up with a little one and reading a fairy tale, for the first time or the hundredth. When I first began reading these to my children it was more out of obligation– I felt that it was great literature that should be reading to my children to give them an excellent education. However, after reading them many times, I now simply find them delightful. Perhaps, I am becoming old enough, to again read fairy tales.

“Someday you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.” C.S. Lewis

I chose this quote today as a light one for the beginning of summer, to remind myself to be more childlike. To delight in the small things. To wonder about the birds and how they take flight. To delight in the colors of the myriad of flowers. To slide down a hill and feel the wind on my cheek. To be enchanted by a story. May we all be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.