
Wednesday’s Thought – Today is the Day that the Lord has Made

Wednesday’s used to be my least favorite day of the week. It is our busiest homeschool day since we go to school on Tuesday and Thursdays so we have to get our work done before school on Thursday. With three kids who all need help completing their work, it just felt chaotic and frustrating to me at times. But this year something has switched in my heart. I love Wednesdays– even the chaos of it all. Having all five of these kids home with me in the middle of the week is a joy. I get to teach them and learn right alongside them. I just can’t imagine anything that I’d rather do with my day. Just because there was a shift in my heart though doesn’t mean it’s always easy, or that our days just run perfectly smoothly now– but it does mean that I can do the hard things with joy and faithfulness to the task before me.

I know many of you have hard things before you today. I know much of it is far more significant than just a busy homeschool day. But whatever God has before you today, you can walk through it with joy. I often remind myself that I have to walk through it anyway, I might as well find things to rejoice in, I might as well adjust my heart to find the ways to be joyful along the way. And when you don’t know how you can possibly be joyful for the day, you can pray– ask God to help you have joy in what is before you. If you can’t think of the words to say, or praying is new to you, you can use the words of Psalm 118:24:

“Today is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24

I go now to five kids up and loud. Lists are before us to complete. Hampers are running over. There are no groceries in the fridge. But you know, it is all quite beautiful and I can be glad in it. The whole day is before me, the Lord has made it, and I can rejoice.