
Children’s Books.

“A children’s story that can only be enjoyed by children is not a good children’s story in the slightest.” C.S. Lewis

Reading is a big part of the culture here at the Musser residence. I often get asked how we cultivated this love for reading in our children. I have many thoughts on the issue. But the primary one I think, at least at this stage in our kids’ lives is that Austin and I genuinely love to read to the kids. Snuggling up with a good book is one of my joys in parenting. But it’s less enjoyable if you aren’t reading good books. I think a lot of parents get burnt out with reading to their kids partly just because what their kids might grab at the library or want to read at first sight isn’t really all that great. That’s why I love Lewis’s quote. He hits the nail on the head. If your child is the only one enjoying the story, then it’s simply not a great story. I decided early on that there simply weren’t enough hours in the day for me to waste my time reading stories to the kids that I didn’t enjoy. So I became intentional about what books we brought into the house. I think this has made a huge difference in how much we all enjoy reading together. If this resonates with you, hop back on the blog this Friday for Friday’s Favorite Thing. You just might find some helpful suggestions there.