
Do the next thing.

I’m back on the blog today after a two week hiatus. We were on vacation and had sick kids and while I kept wishing time would slow down, it just kept rolling on. So, we are back home and all are healthy and yet life is moving at a speed I just can’t quite keep up with. I’m in a season of helping to plan and write curriculum for our moms group at church (R.I.S.E. for moms) and it is also budget season for our Stewardship Committee. At home I have 5 active, excitable kiddos and a messy, dirty house with exploding laundry. I’m also designing a new awesome product with a bestie =). All of this to say that there are days (like today) where there is so much to do that I just don’t even know where to start. I know you all get this and have been there. I start wandering around carrying my cup of coffee and feeling angst but accomplishing nothing. Thats why I love this quote from Elisabeth Elliot. When I don’t know what to do and I feel like I can’t keep up, I do the next thing. I do it with prayer, relying on Christ’s strength and not my own. I know that God has placed this work before me to do today and so I can do it with joy and reliance on Him. The next time you feel overwhelmed and aren’t sure where to start, I hope these words come back to you and you choose to “do the next thing.”