Book Recommendations,  Favorite Things

Favorite Thing #4 — My 10 Favorite Chapter Books to Read with the Kids

Last week I posted My 10 Favorite Picture Books to Read to My Children. And while I believe you never get too old to read a good picture book, I know that many of you have older kids and would benefit from some ideas on chapter books to read with your kids. We read a lot of chapter books in our house. Each kid 4-years-old and up always has a special chapter book that I read with them during naps/rest time. When they are able, they spend 10-15 minutes reading to me and then I finish the chapter. If the book is perhaps a little too difficult then I have them choose a more appropriate book to read to me first for 10-15 minutes and then I read them a chapter from their book. This is one of my kids’ favorite parts of the day and has provided for ample reading practice for them as well as delightful one-on-one time with mom. We also read a chapter each night of a separate “family book” before bed. We’ve made our way through many books this way and so, while it was hard to narrow it down, here are my 10 favorite chapter books to read with the kids. I’ve made a notation about what age I choose to read these, but its always wise to think of each kid individually and the content of the book. If you have any questions about any of these, I’m always delighted to chat about books and reading. Shoot me an email at

  1. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, by C.S. Lewis (4+)
  2. Anne of Green Gables, by Lucy Maud Montgomery (6+)
  3. The Hobbit (and The Lord of the Rings Trilogy), by J.R.R. Tolkien (6+ for The Hobbit, 8+ for LOTR)
  4. Heidi, by Johanna Spyri (4+)
  5. My Father’s Dragon trilogy, by Ruth Stiles Gannett (4+)
  6. Charlotte’s Web, by E.B. White (4+)
  7. The Growly Books, by Philip Ulrich (6+, although I think there is a benefit to waiting until 8+)
  8. The Wingfeather Saga, by Andrew Peterson (8+, we actually did this as a family read aloud and all of my kids love them but they are intense, so I felt the need to put this at an older age even though my younger ones have been listening to these already)
  9. The Green Ember series, by S.D. Smith (6+, the first two books are more appropriate for 6 and up but the last two are quite a bit more intense).
  10. The Princess and the Goblin, by George MacDonald

Just writing this list made me excited to go read with my kids. We are currently reading The Wingfeather Saga as our family book and I am reading The Mouse and the Motorcycle to Zeke (4), Heidi to Eliana (6), Anne of Avonlea to Lizzie (7), and Embers End to Michael (8). All of these stories are a source of great joy in our home. Happy reading!