Book Recommendations,  Favorite Things

Favorite Thing #8 – Humble Roots

This book is excellent and worth a post all its own. It has challenged my thinking to its core. I have had to put this book down multiple times to give myself time to process what I’ve read. It is so good. Here is one quote from the first page of the book that left me stunned and excited to read more:

“For years, I’ve heard that the solution to such stress comes from setting up boundaries, finding ways to be more productive, cultivating gratitude, and scheduling “me-time.”  For years, I’ve believed that finding rest comes from both simultaneously learning to let go and keep your act together.  For years I’ve thought that my sense of peace depends entirely on me.” (Humble Roots, p. 9)

That is so true for me. I didn’t even know it until I started reading this book. This one is worth buying and worth your time reading – grab it today: Humble Roots by Hannah Anderson.