
A thought on peace.

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27

When leaving his friends (the disciples), Jesus comforted them by promising them peace. As recorded by John in John 14 He says “[p]eace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.” And yet, by our world’s standards, their lives after this moment seem anything but peaceful. The disciples went out into the world (as Jesus told them to do– Matt. 28:18-20) to spread the gospel where they were persecuted and many died a martyr’s death. I know that many people would have a hard time finding peace in that. And yet, Jesus warned them of this. He told them that his peace would be different. After he promises to give them peace he says “I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” This peace that Jesus promises, the same peace that is available to you and me, clearly isn’t the same peace that the world offers or suggests. I think most people would be afraid of exactly what those men went off and faced after Jesus left them. Yet, he tells them not to be afraid and not to let their hearts be troubled. Often when I think of peace I think of a clean house, well behaved and quiet children, a delicious meal on the table, everyone healthy, and plenty of hours in the day. Basically, it seems that to me, peace depends on my circumstances. Peace = lack of chaos. Right? And yet, this isn’t my life. Sometimes my circumstances are difficult, sometimes I walk through things that feel scary, and let’s be honest, my house and life are chaotic more than not. But I find that despite those things, despite my varying circumstances, I can and do have peace. This peace that I have though is not a lack of a chaos, it is better. It is peace that is given to me by Christ, a peace which surpasses human understanding (Phil. 4:6). It is a peace that rests in the fact that I know I am not God and I cannot control all things. It is a peace which comes from knowing my place in God’s story or better yet, it comes just from knowing that this is in fact God’s story to begin with. This peace comes not only when the dishes are done and the house clean and the children quiet. This peace comes not only when the test results come back clean. This peace comes when I acknowledge my station, when I remember my frame (Psalm 103:14). This peace only comes from above.