Blog Articles


Growing up I always dreamed of having a sister.  As an only child, I thought having a sister would be the best thing in the world.  I knew that when I had children I wanted my kids to have siblings, to experience that bond that comes from having a brother or a sister.  So, fast forward 30 years, and sure enough I have five children.  Plenty of brothers and sisters in this house to go around. It doesn’t look exactly like I thought it would when I was 6 years-old, but it sure is fun (most of the time).  We moved my youngest daughter into a room with her two older sisters this evening.  The event marks the end of a 9 year era in our house of having a nursery.  Now we have two big kid rooms – girls and boys. While I felt a little nostalgic, my youngest had no time for that.  She was so incredibly excited to go to bed in a room with her big sisters.  As I put them to bed I thanked God for the joy, protection, and security that comes from sharing a room with 2 sisters.  Such a blessing. 

Sisters support us, give us protection, refine us, and strengthen us. When I look at my sweet girls, I hope that they are always there for each other, no matter what. That they build each other up, that they help each other grow and learn, that they see the beauty in their differences and that they are stronger for it.

Sometimes I’m tempted to feel sad that I never got that sister. But tonight, I was reminded that actually, God gave me many.  As I came downstairs and thought about what to write for today’s blog post, I started scanning through some pictures.  The first that I saw was this one of me, my sweet sister-in-law, and our 10 children. 

The picture itself is a good demonstration of our lives—a bit chaotic, messy, and a whole lot of joy. Our families recently took a vacation together and my sister-in-law and I worked together as a well-oiled machine, feeding 14-18 people at a time, managing beach time, pool time, game time, and activities inside on rainy days.  We got babies down for naps, beach bags packed, sunscreen lathered, lunch and snacks made, bikes packed up, all while singing the Moanna soundtrack with a smile.  Honestly, it ran smoother than I could have imagined.  This is a sister.  A sister who knows me.  She knows my strengths and she knows my weaknesses.  She knows that sometimes if I’m tired or frazzled, I can be snippy. She knows when to give me space and a little grace, and she knows when to say something.  A sister.  

The next picture I saw was of my other sweet sister-in-law.  She is a bubbling 25 year-old who the kids adore.  She loves me and my people through and through.  It is such a joy to watch her grow up and to see the amazing woman that she is becoming.  Another sister.

I look out my window and am reminded of my sweet neighbors.  More sisters. They love me and my kids too.  The help to keep them from getting hit by cars, stop them when they are hitting each other, and they warn me when my kids are getting “Musser dirty.”  We sometimes walk in the early mornings, grabbing a coffee or getting drenched by rain. We sit out in the late evening, having a drink and watching the kids play.  These are the people who are there when there’s an emergency.  Who drop everything to help.  Who even go through the chick-fil-a drive through or stop at Starbucks when the day is long.  More sisters. 

As I scroll through my album, there is a picture of another friend, who loves my kids like her own.  Who loves me despite all of my failings.  She knows me and sees me.  Yet another sister.  I’ve got another bestie in North Carolina who is the same.  A cousin that I grew up with and who has been there for me my whole life. I could go on.

Sometimes I’m tempted to look at what others have or what my kids have and think, “wow, I wish I had that,” or “they just don’t know how good they have it.”  And yet, when I take the time to think about it, God has given me an abundance.  I have an abundance of great community.  It’s worthwhile to take some time and think of your people.  Think of your people that know you, love you, and walk alongside you. Take a minute to appreciate them; maybe even say a thank you or simply be appreciative of what you have.  So many times we run through life at a fast pace, not noticing the many blessings around us.  I’m so thankful to God for the many sisters He has given me.  It may not look like what I was hoping for when I was 6 years-old, but it is good.