Favorite Things

Favorite Thing #17 — Pothos Plants

For those of you who love plants, you’ll already know about this. But I’m writing this one for those of you who like the idea of having real plants in your house but feel worried about whether or not you’ll be able to keep them alive. If you fall into this category, grab yourself a pothos plant to help you get started. These are very easy to care for. I water mine about once a week although they do fine if you miss a watering here and there. They can handle basically any level of light. My favorite thing is that their leaves turn a little yellow if they are thirsty– a sign to you that you forgot to water. These really are the easiest of all of my plants to care for. So, if you’re ready to take the leap and get a real indoor plant, start with a pothos plant. Go grab one today, or better yet, come take a clipping off mine– it’s free and mine need a trim anyway. One more tip– I water all of my plants on Saturday. That way I don’t have to wonder when the last time I watered one was. My succulents only get watered the first Saturday of the month, the weekly plants every Saturday, and then I have a needy coffee plant that I try to water mid week as well. Having a set day helps me to remember!

You’d be surprised how much of a difference a few plants can make in your home and it isn’t nearly as much work as you might think. Take the plunge today.